Michael Phelps, still an athlete and remarkable Olympian.
Does smoking marijuana make someone less of what they are? Only those that have never smoked it, think so. The fact of the matter is, I know more that do, than don't and these people are electrical engineers, work with lasers, are philanthropists, millionaires, kind hearted and very intelligent individuals, many with good families.
The propaganda surrounding marijuana is largely funded by pharmacies. The fact is, if people with anxiety problems, stress (which our society induces a tremendous amount of) or any such conditions just grew and smoked a little weed for their ailments, the pharmacies wouldn't sell all their diazepam, prozac, xanax, buspar and all the other anti-anxiety pills that cost so much money.
Legalizing marijuana would have a number of positive effects. Firstly, all those running or selling weed as a criminal, are out of business. All the resources spent on chasing marijuana runners and dealers can now be spent on real drug problems like meth, cocaine, heroin. Those are the family killers. Lastly, the government can tax it like it does alcohol. Weed is a very social, relaxing experience you do with friends or to relieve more dangerous health issues like stress, and ultimately has a more positive than negative effect on people. If you've tried it, which I suspect most of you reading this have, you know it's no different than having a glass or 2 of wine.
Michael Phelps is a hero, he is the most awarded swimmer the Olympics has ever had grace the venues and to say anything otherwise over a bong hit, is trite. I say rock on Michael, you did nothing wrong.