Flying high above the clouds may feel glamorous, but your in-flight beverage choices can significantly impact your comfort and well-being. With the dry air, fluctuating cabin pressure, and limited hydration options,
The article from MSN discusses optimal beverage choices for air travel, particularly at high altitudes like 35,000 feet. It advises against drinking alcohol and caffeine due to their dehydrating effects, which can exacerbate the already dry cabin environment. Instead, it recommends staying hydrated with water, which is crucial for combating the low humidity in airplane cabins. For those looking for alternatives, herbal teas are suggested as they provide hydration without the diuretic effects of caffeine. The article also touches on the benefits of avoiding carbonated drinks to minimize bloating and discomfort during flights. Additionally, it highlights the importance of electrolyte-rich beverages like coconut water to replenish essential minerals lost through sweat and dehydration.